15.《陷阵之志(Into the Breach)》 《陷阵之志》抓住了回合制策略游戏的精髓,每一场小规模的战斗都像一次解谜,你要想出恰当的策略来搞定它们。源起于《超越光速(Faster than Light)》的...
Bryan Merritt was new to town in the summer of 2013. Set to coach the Norman North basketball team in the fall, he thought it wise to gather some players for an informal wo...
可以翻译为“too weak to stand competition [attack],very vulnerable或 (of a theory) that cannot be defended against attack or criticism”等。 例句: 不堪一击的理论 Untenable ...
“无所不用其极”,原意是指尽一切努力,来达到的最高境界。现在表示为达到目的,不择手段,含贬义。可以翻译为“resort to every conceivable means, employ the meanest of tricks”。 例...
“来龙去脉”,汉语成语,本指山脉的走势和去向,现比喻一件事的前因后果(cause and effect of an event),可以翻译为“ins and outs,origin and development或whole story”等。 例句: 我不知道这件事的来龙去脉。 I don't know the ins and outs of the matter...
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